Here you will get the complete guide on How to fix keyboard typing symbols instead of numbers. The keys on any keyboard are there to help you type faster and more accurately. It’s easier for some people to remember which one is which rather than memorizing where each symbol goes. People started learning how to type because typewriter keyboards didn’t have symbols on them, and they couldn’t write without them.

For example, you’re more likely to type “hOw aRe yOu” instead of “how are you”. – Symbols help us become better typists. On some devices, the symbols are easier to find than on others. For if you have an iPad keyboard, it’s not as easy to find the symbol you want… it’s probably more efficient to use numbers or letters. The symbols we use sometimes depend on the device we’re using: an iPad has a different keyboard than a Windows machine or a Mac laptop, and it’s even more different than an Android phone.

The word “Linux” on a keyboard has an “@” sign instead of the letter “L”, and “-=” instead of “I”. – On some keyboards, “/\” is used for “@” and “/,” for “$”. In a French AZERTY keyboard, there is no UNDEFINED symbol. Instead it’s written “เปา”.

An arrow symbol on a keyboard is usually a combination of three things: ↑↓→← There are some exceptions though, for example, in Arabic keyboards where the 3 side arrows are combined into one. – On two letters (“JK”), the “J” is a symbol, and the “K” is a letter. This also applies to other keyboards. – On an iPad’s keyboard, you don’t have to hit the shift key before the letters because it has a different keyboard layout than Windows/Linux/Mac laptops.

Sometimes keyboards had typing issues and started typing symbols instead of numbers. It’s a problem that has been for years, and it happens to everyone. You’re typing along in the chatbox or whatever and suddenly your keyboard starts changing everything you type into weird symbols instead of numbers. Luckily there are ways to fix it!

How To Fix Keyboard Typing Symbols Instead Of Numbers?

This is a problem many people have experienced–it’s usually the keyboard’s settings, not your “skill.” To fix this issue.

  • All you need to do is go into the symbols on the left of the keyboard and make sure Num Lock is turned ON.
  • While in Num Lock mode, press NUM LOCK again to turn it OFF.
  • To test that you are in Num Lock mode at any time, hit the key with all numbers on it on your number pad (it looks like or ).
  • You can then use just numbers without any issues!

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Why Is My Keyboard Typing Symbols Instead Of Numbers?

The keyboard may not be calibrated correctly, and the problem may resolve itself either through a system reboot or by using the Num Lock key.

The numeric keys on a keyboard are internally set up to send ASCII values (the values that computers identify as text) for digits and other alphabets symbols. Symbols often include accented letters and international characters such as ¡, ¶, ˜, €, etc., which your computer expects to recognize as different from both numbers and letters. Like any other feature of a keyboard like a cursor movement or printing words, these features vary depending on your operating system’s settings. If you haven’t already done it before (or if you haven’t upgraded), make sure to visit your Operating System’s settings to enable the right features.

How Do I Change My Keyboard Keys Back To Normal?

In order to get your keyboard keys back to normal, you would need a software keymaps editor. There are lots of free ones on the Internet that will let you customize the keyboard layout then save it as a file that your operating system can read. Once you have found one, all you have to do is follow the instructions of the program and type in what it tells you to. It should be a matter of seconds before your old font reappears on screen again.

How Do I Fix Weird Keyboard Typing?

Keyboard keys can be fixed by using a vacuum cleaner with attachments to suck the dust out from under the keys.

To make sure your keyboard is clean, turn it upside down and shake/flick it vigorously.

The dust should come out. This method is especially effective for flat keyboards with no spaces in between the key tops themselves. Vacuum cleaners are also suggested when there are gaps or grooves in which dirt can accumulate or fall into – ones that have plastic covers underneath them for example – because only air will come up with the vacuum cleaner if cleaning these types of keyboards just by shaking/flicking them vigorously doesn’t work well enough on its own, so using a vacuum cleaner with attachments to suck up all of the dirt is strongly advised.

If your laptop’s keyboard has spaces in between the key tops themselves or its keys are slanted, using a vacuum cleaner to suck out dust will be much more effective than shaking/flicking it vigorously to remove dust because these kinds of keyboards allow the user to access the insides underneath each keycap easily with the use of a small, narrow attachment (like the one in the picture to the right is), and these types of keyboards can be cleaned entirely with attachments that allow the user to reach every square inch on/underneath each keycap.

If your laptop’s keyboard doesn’t have spaces or grooves between its keys themselves, you should still be able to suck the dust out of it by inserting a narrow, long attachment into each space between/underneath its keys and vacuuming.

If your laptop’s keyboard has gaps underneath each key, you should use a vacuum cleaner with an attachment like the one pictured above to clean all around and under each keycap (like the finger pictured on the right is doing) because that’s where dust particles (and other bits of dirt like crumbs) tend to accumulate or fall into.

Please also note that some laptop keyboards don’t have spaces between their keys themselves, but they do have gaps underneath them; if your keyboard looks like this, you should still be able to suck the dust out by inserting a narrow, long attachment under each key and vacuuming.

How Do I Turn Off Symbols On My Keyboard?

Look in your settings to see if the symbols are enabled in “Keyboards and input methods”… \/ ¯ ¿ ¡ + [] ^ *. {“}[]

  • Deleting unrecognized characters will not disable symbols.
  • Turning off all of the keyboards will turn off all formatting, including symbols.
  • If you do not want the functionality of Keyboard One (or Keyboard Two) simply switch to Keyboard Three or Four after turning it on.
  • To make this easy to remember, remember that PowerPoint, Textpad and Apple’s Pages will automatically use keyboard 3 for copy-and-paste operations when necessary.
  • This method is convenient because it honors system defaults automatically; no typing needed! This can be done by clicking Tools –> Customize and checking “Use the standard cut, copy and paste keys”

How Do You Stop Your Keyboard From Typing Symbols Instead Of Numbers?

If you are typing a number and it is displaying a symbol, try changing the keyboard language to English. In the input field type the letter “a” and press enter. This should solve your problem.

Sometimes when typing numbers on a keyboard if one types an “a” from an alphabetical sequence then all symbols will turn into numbers after that even if they have been previously typed as a character in that sequence. This usually indicates that the user’s language setting has been changed to use Latin characters instead of Arabic numerals which is not what was intended.

  • To fix this issue, press “a” on an English keyboard layout until all symbols change back to letters or digits before continuing typing digits in your number sequence.
  • To prevent this issue, make sure to switch the keyboard language to use English (US) before typing numbers if you are using an Arabic layout.

Keyboard Typing Symbols Instead Of Letters Windows 10?

You can go into your keyboard settings and change the default behavior to not type caps. Additionally, you can always start typing with Shift+.

  • The key is not a toggle for all of your keys – it only affects the typed characters that are preceded by a letter or symbol. In other words, if you type “Facebook”, it will come out as FbkacefleaK..
  • If you type “FACEBOOK” – now with all capitals – now it will be fBADCEFOREKK)oeafeoaedf.
  • You can press Control+S to save this setting as a Command Shortcut/Keyboard Shortcut in System Preferences for future use without having to go through the process of doing it from scratch again.

Once you have turned off Caps Lock or made a shortcut key to toggle your case options, pressing the key again will turn the back on. It is a toggle…if you want to make this a shortcut instead of a Command Shortcut, go into System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Caps Lock and change it from a key down to a key up.

I hope this solves your problem

Keyboard Typing Symbols Instead Of Letters In Word?

The most common symbols in a word processing program are: ‘ and “, :, ?, #, $, %. These symbols represent:, colon/semi-colon/?#. $%&. The English language doesn’t have many phrases that include ‘, ?(), 0(zero), @,. To type these characters on a keyboard you will need to hold down the ALT key and press the indicated letters for them. This is standard across all computer programs so if you know how to do it in MS Word then that knowledge can be applied anywhere else with any other word processing program.


In this article of How To Fix Keyboard Typing Symbols Instead Of Numbers. If you’re a data scientist or IT professional, your keyboard may be filled with symbols. For example, if you type “7+9=” on a typical computer keyboard, the plus sign appears instead of an equal sign because it is mapped to the number 2 key. Knowing how these substitutions work can help save time and provide clarity when writing code for efficiency purposes.

Remember, if you use symbols often in your work or personal life, it may be wise for you to invest in a wireless bluetooth keyboard so that you will always have access to them when typing away at your computer.

The keyboard typing symbols on your cell phone or tablet sometimes get in the way of what you’re trying to say. This is frustrating and can really disrupt your productivity, especially if it happens often.